Meet and Confer (4/20) Follow-up
Data FTE Reductions 4/28/23
Proposed IFO FTE Reductions 4/20/2023
Rationale for Programs Affected 4/20/2023
Provost Script Rationale for Retrenchment 4/20/2023
BESI Criteria 4/20/2023
Proposed Relocation of Programs SOPA 4/20/2023 & 5/1/2023
Budget and Proposed Plan 4/20/2023
CAPS Retrenchment Proposal 5/29/2020
IM Retrenchment Proposal 5/29/2020
Final Budget Presentation 4/30/2020
SCSU Seniority Roster 3/1/2020
Coverage of Retrenchment (Google doc link)
MinnState Faculty Retrenchment Guidelines
SCSU FA Response to retrenchment from President Frances Kayona